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Questions and Answers about Vineyard Injury from Herbicide Drift

by Sorkel Kadir Kassim Al-Khatib Dallas E. Peterson


Young grape vines are much more susceptible than mature vines to hormonal type herbicide such as 2,4-D. Vines may or may not survive. Formula, cultivar, and weather influence results.

Published Date: Oct 2003

Harvest Maturity Indicators for Fruits and Vegetables

by Karen L.B. Gast


From parsnips and radishes to sweet potatoes and grapes, this publication will help you indicate when fruit and vegetables are ready for harvest.

Published Date: Nov 1994

Plastic Mulches for Vegetables

by Charles W. Marr


Publication provides the advantages and disadvantages of using plastic mulch for vegetables. Includes mulch application, planting crop, irrigation, and other cropping considerations.

Revision Date: Oct 1993

Fertigation of Vegetable Crops

by Charles W. Marr


Guide explaining the use of drip irrigation in conjunction with plastic mulches for vegetable production.

Revision Date: Oct 1993

Displaying 91 to 94 of 94 Publications
